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Touch-up Policy





Follow-up consultation will be offered free of charge 2-3 weeks after treatment.  Ideal follow up time is 2 weeks.  We encourage you to attend your follow-up appointment, even if you are happy with your results, as your practitioner may detect issues that you are not aware of, which allows the opportunity to address these and allow better results and longevity of your treatment.


Touch-up will be provided free of charge only in the case of a complication of recommended doses, such as inadvertent, or exaggerated 'spock brow'.  Exceptions to this protocol include clients with a treatment plan that includes touch-up due to specific anatomy requirements.


Free touch-up, if offered (must be approved by Dr Trinity), will be administered strictly a minimum of 10 days and maximum 21 days of initial treatment for the first 2 full treatment cycles only


Any treatment (including touch-up) 21 days or more is considered a new treatment cycle and will be charged at our usual rates, with a minimum service charge of $50. 


Touch-up will not, under any circumstances (free or charged) be administered less than 10 days after your treatment as this significantly increases the likelihood and severity of complications. 


*If you request a less than recommended treatment plans, touch-up is charged at normal rates.

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